Diagnostic Tools
These diagnostic tools are helpful, insightful, and motivational for patients as they provide information on every organ and gland with overlap and correlation between the tests.
Conventional tests (blood, stool, urine, MRI, ultrasound, etc), while useful, are limited due to being a snapshot in time.
Biological medicine tests provide a more comprehensive and insightful picture of why a patient may be having health challenges that are not evident via standard testing. They are performed in the office and results are immediately available. The tests measure physiology, energetics, heart rate variability, nervous system, and more.
BIA - Bioimpedance Analysis
The BIA is an easily administered test providing information and quickly reveals to the practitioner potential toxicity, state of hydration, bone mineral content, and how quickly the body is aging. It accomplishes this by evaluating a patient’s BMI, Phase Angle, Body Fat, Free Fat Mass, Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Bone Mineral Content, Basal Metabolic Rate, and Daily Energy Expenditure.
CRT - Contact Regulation Thermography / Thermometry
CRT results are a direct index of the metabolic activity in the various parts of the body, provide indications of disease processes in very early stages, and may indicate the presence of disease before a patient experiences any symptoms.
This is accomplished by first measuring skin temperatures of over 100 points at normal body temperature. The patient is then exposed to cooler room temperature and a second measurement is taken after a 10-minute stabilization period.
There are a variety of devices that measure heart rate variability. We have found the Nerve Express to be a comprehensive, fully automatic, non-invasive computer-based system designed for quantitative assessment.
The Nerve Express provides a quick electrophysiological study of the stress on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and is a great tool for overall, general assessment of a patient’s nervous system and their ability to adapt to stress.
Unlike other HRV devices, it evaluates heart rate variability at rest, standing, during valsalva maneuver, and deep breathing. It gives an assessment of the adaptability of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS in response to those activities.
DPA - Digital Pulse Wave Analyzer
Digital Pulse Analysis (DPA) provides cardiovascular parameters specific to the health of arteries well in advance of serious or even life-threatening events. It’s a non-invasive, invaluable tool to assess arteriosclerosis and also useful in evaluating oxygen perfusion to tissues.
CPET - Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Test
CPET is the best way to determine the correct exercise for every patient, based on their level of fitness, lung age, heart age, and basal metabolic rate. It allows one to know the EXACT heart rate necessary for weight loss and cardiovascular fitness.
Galvanic Skin Response Testing
There are many different systems available on the market. EAV (Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll) was the first system of its kind measuring galvanic skin response to detect imbalances in the body that can be addressed to improve overall health and wellness.
Any frequency-based medical decision technology device is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information provided by these devices can be used to give the practitioner insight to make better decisions about a patient’s personal health challenges.